Fallout new vegas 25mm grenade apw
Fallout new vegas 25mm grenade apw

fallout new vegas 25mm grenade apw

You accepted, and with the help of the Brains at Big Mnt., you sent out a signal to all the Enclave forces left scattered throughtout the American Wastes. Shortly after your victory at Hoover Dam, your friend, Arcade Gannon, told you about the Enclave and how they could help rebuild Vegas under your rule, then go on to rebuilding America. With the deal brokered and you having been proclaimed the new ruler of New Vegas, the long-standing war for the fate of Vegas was finally over. The deal? NCR would accept you as the leader of Vegas and withdraw most of their troops, allowed him to have Navarro, and they would still be welcome in the Mojave IF they obeyed your laws and finally showed respect for the locals, in exchange for 15% power from the dam. But rather than destroy the NCR, like Benny suggested, you sat them down at the negotiation table and brokered a deal.

Fallout new vegas 25mm grenade apw